FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11see how they like meeting up with one of my cousins, Mighty Cthurkey!" The Turkey Carcass of Thanksgiving Past held Scrooge's head and forced him to watch as Cthurkey's tentacles
14. "I feel we be finding treasure by this purple circle." My second quipped "Isn't that's a ring mark from your wine goblet, sir?" "DO NOT QUESTION ME!" I yelled rolling it up.
12The discipline of the high has always escaped me. How can one truly enjoy working while blasted out of his mind, or truly enjoy his high while numbing his mind with work? Luckily
14I lay there, wondering if I'd broken some FoldingStory law. Would there be repercussions to my unconventional start? I was still awake when I heard a knock on my door. "OPEN UP!
11represented FS, wisely chosen by FS founder Noah, because Bob Loblaw's motto was: “why should you go to jail for a crime somebody else noticed?” To help Noah pay Loblaw, FS writers