FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13In the future, I envision a world where you can control the temperature, where there's nearly unlimited food options, where you can pay for amazing entertainment, sex, drugs, what
10He dreamed of one Viet Kong hamster in particular. It had stepped on a land mine & was blown apart. Still, he sewed the little feller up as best he could. Pet MASH flashbacks were
19his bubbliness was flat as well. Flat Stanley's life became a downward spiral of coke lines and racy Euclidean magazines. Nothing could ever take his mind off the plane.
10serving some green bananas to Chaz, thinking that this would be seen as a kind gesture of diplomacy. Instead, Chaz brought upon Kiefer such a penalty that only a seasoned veteran
14Before long, the elected officials were crouching in their own waste and picking nits from each other's receding hairlines. Vines began to grow in the capitol dome, and nothing