FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10on the wheel out of this world. The mayor's groin unfurled and bloomed into a beautiful flower, a pre-cursor to reincarnation. If you take requests, I'd like to be a cat, Buddah.
10I frantically beeped down a patrol car & showed the officers the turd in my backseat:"I've no idea how it got could be dangerous! You guys have to remove it!" The cops
10change colors to communicate like I can!" I, middle-aged Squidman shot my 8th tentacle out, caught the banana fish and brought him toward my shiny, evil, soul crushing beak.
10I had to move on. The radiation was giving me bloodshot eyes, plus I was out of toilet paper AND shopping catalogues. I picked the fluff from the Velcro and zipped my space suit.
10--nothing! His iHammer pants weren't getting a signal. Maybe the pants had a virus. Hurtling downward, at 15,000 ft. in the air he suddenly thought of how the pants might save him: