FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14I believed her. It didn't calm my qualms. Although not related to me, I called Regina & Delores Mudd. They were the bass player for the periwinkle ramona. "I'm a Mudd. What does it
11select Michelin starred restaurants in disputed border territiories of Europe like Catalonia or the Balkans. When I regurgitated my Oeufs a la Bonne Femme onto her lap, Dame Whitty
11The crazy ass band members would point at their own feet every few seconds so the crowd would get the point. When Mad Men Wear Shoes invited Ellie onstage she near flatlined. "OMG!
10Where to hide the explosives was the big question. Ronna and Dick talked all night about how to pull that off. There were cameras everywhere and they were mostly invisible. Bummer!
12The button felt fabric across his face as Jen's fingers pulled him through the hole. He felt himself falling to the floor as she tossed her blouse in a heap. The button thought