FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10large green pipe. She dodged a turtle, waited for the man-eating plant to disappear back down the pipe, then she dove in and fell to the bottom; where she found her cell phone.
10***TINKERBELL'S WRATH*** 2013. A short story in ten parts by the anonymous authors of All rights reserved. --- Wendy never saw it coming.
11he found exactly what he was looking for. The name stared back to him from the store across the narrow street. "Olivander's wands," read a creaky sign. He had found it.
11and into the eye socket of a Vietnam Vet who'd lost his eye in battle. The vet had removed his patch right as the button flew in. The button had been made in Vietnam. It whispered
11through my nightguard & pulled the sheets up over my SpongeBob jammy top. "I was just ch- ch- checking up on some of my active stories, you know, to..." But I faltered when Manatee