FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10have with with non-virtual friends.Real friends disappoint you, leave the toilet seat up, borrow your car and leave it on empty and make a pass at your boyfriend. But my FS friends
10he was furious at the depths of their gall. "YOU DARE USE ARCANA FROM THE WINTER CATALOG?!" The cosmic hell-beast was right: it was mid-June. Bamboozled again by the ATDO, they
10But it was too late, whilst I was telling the nurse of this news Teddy had made a run for the main road and...well...stuffing was strewn across the street. If only I'd known sooner
10"Let us consult the magic orb!" replied the first. "Magic Orb are we necromancers?" replied the second shaking vigourously. "Reply hazy ask again." replied the ball.
11pomegranate. When I opened the door there was what appeared to be a small ruby in the bottom of the immaculate self-cleaning oven. "Holy shnikies!" I exclaimed. My uncle was a jewe