FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10tape ripped off my skull and half my brain fell out and bounced onto the bus seat next to me then into a little old lady's basket on the front of her walker as she was exiting the
10y Space Patrol uniform, and this lamp. And this ashtray. That's it. Nothing else do I need but this astral grappling hook, a Shiny Patrol uniform, this lamp, and this ashtray. And
12the inconvenience." The others relieved by the sense of routine returned to their shopping. I shoved the snoring body into the cart and inconspicuously wheeled it towards checkout
10to gently fondle her pair of expensive loafers right in front of her. It was more than the poor waif would handle and after two hours of nonstop shoe fondling, her heart gave out.
10Sing through a vacuum cleaner hose and play back backwards in a steel drum while passing steam through a radiator. Mix with bridge cable vibrations and whale flatulation sped up