FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11ever. That was four years ago. The effects weren't actually as tangible as you might think. The most noteworthy change was that I began to think like a lima bean. I noticed
10proved too much for me. Humanity was beneath me. I could not express enough how much I felt our species was a cancer to our planet
10that being button holed by Jen & pressed firmly against her breast every day was the life he'd always dreamed of, but one day when Jen had eaten a big meal he popped off her blouse
10Sara Hyperbola from Folding story b0er7. Ryder imagined Sara torn by her cardboard virtuality.Lynch wanted Depp to play Flat Stanley with a Freddy Kruger Scissorhands edge,but when
10"And," he added morosely, "there is no known cure. You only have three days to live." The doctor then stood up & left us abruptly. "Well, I guess we better hurry then," I joked.