FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11stop at 10. But I've got a few years to plan. Maybe wife #11 will be a really cool robot. But wife #12 should be from the temple again to keep them happy. To fulfill the prophecy
11got in line and after 4 hours I finally noticed that as everybody entered they took a number from a little contraption near the door. I had not done so and started to worry that I
11Well. . .not miserable enough to make Trump stop communicating to the world via Twitter. He probably sits on the John all night long, passing horrid gas, and twittering about his
11Valetta was a hidden ruby amongst the jetsam of womankind. She was a whore in the bedroom, a cook in the kitchen & something else somewhere else... fill in the gaps yourself. Men w
152. That 'that' is a filler word. That word can be dropped wtih no consequences to the fold and that 'and' can be replaced by '&' to save space, if you want to make room for content