FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11took a quick swig of whiskey and set to work. First off she needed to summon her carrier pigeons. "COO COO COO" she belted. And in the distance you could hear them
10at all-you-can-carry for a vow of eternal servitude. As a bonus most of it is written in crayon in a language I invented. ACT NOW) But I think most people who quit FS do so because
11on our feet which of course is the last thing you should do when dancing, (the next to the last thing is to forget to do the head snap thingy when turning) so naturally I tripped
10building and drifted our way. Cool as a cucumber Ronna looked me straight in the eyes and said: "Actually, I think I can get away with it."
14I lay there, wondering if I'd broken some FoldingStory law. Would there be repercussions to my unconventional start? I was still awake when I heard a knock on my door. "OPEN UP!