FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
16His business card next to the glogg. I made an appointment for next week, the earliest date. By then, I am supposed to have polished off half the glogg. Shark Lady stopped by too.
11represented FS, wisely chosen by FS founder Noah, because Bob Loblaw's motto was: “why should you go to jail for a crime somebody else noticed?” To help Noah pay Loblaw, FS writers
10Or was it frustrussian? The dialects of geo-puns are notoriously Turikey. Especially without Germaney anchors to the conversation. "I just Kamchatka'd all over Ma's Dagascar!" Chad
11alike suffered in the war that ensued. It was bean against bean. Legless legumes were showing up at the hospitals in droves and were fitted with tiny wheelchairs. Widow beans wept
10llowed the cyanide capsule I'd left out for it together with a glass of Armagnac and a loaded revolver."I'll never swim in the ocean blue again," it's little fishy voice burbled