FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12lane six, the one reserved for those with nine bodies or less. Up ahead I saw a tall guy wiith ten snoring bodies in his cart just about to join the line. Scowling vehemently I
11"Isn't cavier, wine, and truffles; just fish eggs, spoiled grape juice and tree fungus?" she asked while dabbing her mouth.
11And clown-shoes were, by their very nature, too big for anyone to fill, especially him. There had to be some exploding rubber key that could unlock his comic genius, some ritual
12me. Write me gooood baby." He looked around, saw no one, and looked back at his fold on the screen. The voice said "Well, that's all you got, huh? Shoulda known. You were always
12. Henry and Emma shuffled their feet nervously while Liam, Larry, Olivia, Lola, Isabel, Mary, and Hillary avoided my gaze. Finally Will squeaked, "Terry couldn't come because he's