FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12No one would every guess my password. I took the numbers 1 through 5, and typed them in ... backwards!
12"It's very simple, Madge," Mr. Butterworth replied. "I'll have my cell phone with me in the casket. If Hollywood calls, put them hold, call me, and then dig me up! Understand?"
13plants. But they can't help turning their faces to the sun sometimes. And that's when James would get them. All of them. Every last Sunflower. BLAM! Right through their seedy heads
12However, it wasn't very aesthetically pleasing. But this was the post-Tom Green era, when the aesthetes became as dead as the language that spawned their name, & with them, merit.
10like Yoko Ono. He gnashes his teeth and urinates onto the gallery floor. The unperturbed attendees look on and can be expected to clap politely after the last drop falls. You