FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"Was it a mecca-dauber or a betting pencil?" The chorus sang back in response.
12He wondered if a hit of acid would silence that faint voice. He ate the sugar cube. His fold went all oogly-woogly and the faint voice became a shrieking raptor. It said, "Write
10were of 7 words or less, completely unrelated to the previous fold, and offensive. For example, to "Frowning, Sally gently shampooed the furry ball creature with" he would add:
11Lou Bergs had traveled all the way through time to mow my lawn. He swore that my single mom's grilled chicken breast was worth the trouble, though I suspected darker motives. Penet
11Blue man the new superhero. However people called me a Smurf so I was sad.