FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Piaget's chiseled chest. Piaget said he'd push me out of my zone of proximal fold development, but first he had to get something off his chest. He put the gun down & gave me a bran
10know what you're talking about, and wear your tinfoil hat." Dan said, as he handed a triangular cone to put on my head. "Dan, are you sure the aliens are invading now?" I asked him
11on our feet which of course is the last thing you should do when dancing, (the next to the last thing is to forget to do the head snap thingy when turning) so naturally I tripped
10said, "mdfji dfajlie.djieaa. mesafdi. jasoid." Most of Kenny's fans agreed with that sentiment and lived it out in their own lives. The Parka Generation had a brief revival after a
10She made me out of fear and sin/with shadow without and fire within/Mom filled me with dark euphoria/And set me deep in Moria/