FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10... oh dear, too late. He took that off! Needless to say, the sordid details of what followed is too raw for innocent eyes. But when it was all over, I posted it all on facebook,
11little faces. Wilfred was in a foul mood,which probably meant his diabeetus was acting up again. "I hate staying at Uncle Wilfred's house" whispered Jane, who ducked when a pancake
11Silence. Jim started shuffling offstage. Then: "Guffaw" from the back corner. Jim's head whipped around & he peered into the darkness. "Two nuns walked into a bar...and...and...
1615. The same goes for grammar, unless you're the grammar police. 16. Forget sixteen. 17. Tie up the story at the end and make it a clean cut. Don't leave the next folder hanging
10wiggled its whiskers and chirped. "There's one in the den," I said. "Just be careful and don't get your nuts stuck between the cushions." The squirrel took a drag from its stogie.