FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13I am worried that this might be the most beautiful story on FS & that however many more stories we write, nothing could ever come even close to this story's perfection
10Frankîe tripped over a small customer with his clubfoot & his tablet with whole pork crashed into a chandelier & fell on the cheese trolley. The maître d' called him a dumb waiter
10But my wrath is a swirling fire! / None shall escape from my ire! / ...ooh but that goat IS a beauty… / with horns so fine and haunch so juicy
12The discipline of the high has always escaped me. How can one truly enjoy working while blasted out of his mind, or truly enjoy his high while numbing his mind with work? Luckily
10that fold was folded until 10 lines had been done. That's when AWW WHO AM I KIDDING? My folds always just end. No one ever adds to them and they just go into some limbo where