FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11One might think that pushing a boulder uphill for eternity would render a certain resignation to the pushing individual after a few millennium. One would be wrong. Sisyphus was alw
10I decided to eat a box donuts and watch Cheers.
11i will have to find wife #13, a demonic behemoth who will ultimately bring an end to the cycle by consuming the blood in my body up tothe last drip.Only then will my wifes be free.
10y Space Patrol uniform, and this lamp. And this ashtray. That's it. Nothing else do I need but this astral grappling hook, a Shiny Patrol uniform, this lamp, and this ashtray. And
13Stop that. Reverse it. Twelve typos tended, eleven emus emailed, ten typists twerking, nine nuns nagged, eight ears elbowed, seven speeches slurred, six sloths surrendering, five