FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12y black bean salsa, chips, & a 6-pack, totally transform the way humans communicate? Couldn't I. Now you try it? Just 1 rule: statements are questions & questions are statements?
10. A young Tibitian looked at the silver tea pot and saw his reflection distorted. The kettle whistled and he hastily prepared oolong for the Dalai Lama. Elsewhere, a man dreamed.
11watching their dismembered husbands carried off to the graveyard. Children beans' voices rose up and down through the days in an everlasting sob. But one bean was silent.
10Clinton "painted" dress fetched a pretty penny. This money was used to outsource my fold writing to Sri Lanka. I had an entire village writing folds under my name.
16His business card next to the glogg. I made an appointment for next week, the earliest date. By then, I am supposed to have polished off half the glogg. Shark Lady stopped by too.