FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It was the greatest thing since sliced bread. It was doughy, compact, had a long shelf life. Sure it was squishy but is also cheap. People didn't love it, but they bought it. It wa
10soft pliable items suitable for a baby to play with. The McMahan/starfish propelled itself slowly up the tunnel towards him! Ned pulled a natural rubber teething ring from his bag.
12Zombies are functioning members of our society, just like you and me. Now I don't want to hear any complaints about prejudice, because after all, we are all equal. Except they get
11early, then coasted for the rest of their lives. The Parka Generation, as they became known, lived through the 2020-60's on the nostalgic high of that music festival. Kenny himself
13What could it be? The recipe's reader drooled with anticipation. A new kind of coating for pretzels? Would it be practical, though? He read on: Bake at 10,000 degrees Rankine