FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Quick! Close your eyes! DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER! You're gonna be REAL SORRY if you do!!! Ohhhhhhhh...too late. So sorry. I'll notify your family immediately.
12Hector Berlioz, hubba-hubba--" Molly stopped him with a wave of her hand. "If you come up with one more alliteration, I'm reporting you to the police. He opened his mouth and
11wants some more? All the hungry people. Where do they all come from? All the hungry people. Where will they all sit down?! Father McMurtry, writing the words of a paper that no one
11he descended the gangway & resolutely entered the customs station. "I am bringing this suitcase of mine in on a citizen's arrest!" he announced dramatically, "It contains heroine!"
20would laundry - do a tenth of the work, then pass it to someone else. 11. FoldingStory is for starving artists, and 9-to-5ers who fantasize about being starving artists, only. 12.