FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10is part of my identity, my masculinity, my strength... like Samson from the Old Testament. Loni was always my Delilah, which is why when she snuck in one night with her razor & sha
14In the barbeque pit for six hours, until ready to be coated with cheese. The recipe recommended cheddar cheese but there was only gorgonzola. So that's
12They activated the squirrel mind control tail antennas. The rodents' necks perked up, and they initiated acorn launcher formations. Passers-by were pelted with nuts spat at 100 km/
10Except this one. While writing my outline, I decided this story should focus instead on the irreverent adventures of Detective Manatee, who today would be investigating the
13But then I started thinking about my 1972 Impala. If I destroyed the future, I'd never get to drive it again! I threw down my utensils. We'd have to take our chances with the ants.