FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14my sallow skin, crooked teeth and shaggy eyebrows. Not to mention my acne, receding hairline and dandruff. I COULD NOT allow myself to be photographed. I leapt over the metal barri
11The customs officials opened the suitcase, and the heroine leapt out and kicked them all in the face like Wonder Woman, and hurried off to save the orphans from the evil villain
11time trying to polish out the boulder damage, which also smoothed over the nice scourge-n-gravel antiquing he and Hercules had applied. Atlas's bedside table would just have to
10ladies began to spin the tassles attached to their nipple pasties. My youngest kid said, "This is much better than the guys undressing at mommy's shows. They only got one twirler."
10Wilfred Brimley scowled at the children at the table. "Eat your Goddam oatmeal!" he spat, spraying bits of Jimmie Dean sausage & scrambled egg across the table into their terrified