FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10So let us now, with a kiss and a twerk / Get down to our most cellular work / Overpopulation is a bore / But what the heck, let's make one more.
12his soul to eternity.There wasn't much left of him in the aftermath of the accident,but a few days later, a hobo found the blood-stained gold rose strewn a few feet from the tracks
10unknown at first, but soon we saw they carried sabres and red flags emblazoned with a skull surrounded by green concentric circles. Whoever they were, they weren't pseudofishermen.
13"I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!" C'thulu proclaimed. And the eldrich abominations just ran away.
10whatever political party is in office at the time. My main concern is that this'll mean the loss of a dependent, and I might get bumped into a higher tax bracket with the insurance