FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10and really jumped off this time. It took a moment for Gene Rayburn to realize what had happened; by that time the poor man had fallen a few hundred feet down through the air below.
11dy. "I hate children," he said. "The way they run around randomly. They're really stupid, they can't talk properly & their writing's rubbish" With that bombshell, our tale ends.
10At first, seeing spots & lights dancing before her eyes, Wendy thought another migraine was coming on. Then a flutter of tiny wings & a sharp stab in her forehead. Tinkerbell struc
13"Did you remember to buy toilet paper?" Yes. Questions are statements and statements are questions. 1. I hate you! (Do you have front row tickets to the Bieber concert?). Your turn
12I counted the items in the small plastic bag again. "Nope. I have two bolts when I only need one bolt and I'm missing a small screw", I scanned the hieroglyphs in the instructions