FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Do not - I repeat - do NOT like SlimWhitman's folds. Foldingstory cosmos is a real multiverse. The 'stories' actually take place there. However we have discovered that by liking
10Thirty years later and it still burns my butt that I didn't get the part of the Artful Dodger in that production of Oliver. Story of my life. Just a generic street urchin who
10your naming address, social securities number, and just forty American dollars and we will assuredly award you your seventy million dollars prize with large quickness. I await your
11smells in the fruit basket. And do you really wanna be stuck in that fruit basket? I don't think you do, the speaker shouted. I had to get out of this class. I interrupted by
11Is this really happening??," she squealed. "Girl, just go! I'll snap a picture of you while you're up there," said Roxy, pushing Ellie upstage.