FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11, well, frankly-speaking, a hot dog. Before he came along, I was nothing but a German cabbage fermenting in a vat of lactic acid bacteria. No one really liked me, but Frank made me
12getting hammered will help me unlock the secrets.I opened my flask and took a swig, "Look, on, my, sorwk banana!" that's not right, I looked again, Loko no ym ye mgihty adn dsepira
15he randomly lit on fire and died. We all mourned him at his funeral, he was a man of many
12I opened the window again. It wasn't too bad after all. I got used to worse things in the past. A cup of hot coffee would make it all better...
14her. Not just any man. It was her father. He was waiting for me. He held a shotgun. "Get ready, boy..." He pointed the gun at me while she adjusted her veil. "Uh, sir..." I stammer