FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12container of macaroni salad on Salazar’s infected bedsores; Salazar, roused from a fevered sleep, hurled expletives at her, snatched a shotgun from under the mattress and shot.
11duvet cave and nested there. "Oi, behave," I said. "That's the sort of business that led to our mewling brood of mammelings." Just then my mother burst in with the Ministry of Mamm
10"I'm worried, Tad," I said, touching the tiny stain. "If reincarnation is true, this potato bug could well return as something else & seek revenge." Tad nodded. A large shadow
13just settled our brains for a long winter's nap. When down in the cellar there arose such a shriek, I sprang from my coffin to snatch a quick peek! Away to the stairwell, I flew