FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13I managed my way into the jungle and mated with a strong male. I was shocked when instead of eggs, I delivered 2 live babies, covered in fur. They were intelligent & walked instead
11Natch, teach saw the note in Emily's hand, & plucked it from her prostrate form. "Passing notes in class?" he chided us over the inert girl. "Hmm, 'Good Job'? What sort of job?" We
13which really pissed him off as he was a Buddhist. Once he had calmed everyone down and called an ambulance for his elderly mother, he got to work tackling crime in broad daylight.
11All stories are love stories.
11I hated my twin brother because he reminded me of myself. I hated myself. So then, I also hated him. Which meant that I also hated myself. It was a vicious cycle.