FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Dude, it was in the brochure I sent you. Remember?" "No dude, I definitely don't remember "drinking the blood of the innocent". You know that I am Innocence Intolerant!" This was
10unconscious body. I pretended to look at my list ignoring the stares of the other shoppers. The PA crackled, "Attention customers: Clean up in aisle 11 due to doofus. Sorry for
14Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga, Aroooga,
10I looked down. -ETA?-. I typed -Can't text. Driving.- I looked up just before impacting an oak tree at 65 mph. I had neither a seatbelt nor a windshield but a large gust of wind
11one of the minor side effects. Anyway three digit green hands with two opposable suction cups & a snorkel was sure to be a hit at the Halloween party. They came in handy at the