FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13you clairvoyance to find the rebel's hidden Subway factory". Admiral Panini choked on a large chunk of Ciabatta. "I find your lack of faith disurbing" said Lord Sandwich
10I collect stamps only depicting tropical birds with profiles turned to the left. They have to be first-day proofs untouched by human hands. ...and you?
11and told him to leave because he was upsetting the nuns across the street, he covered his nudeness with his bowl and ran down the street. A nun followed him with her cell phone,
11Once stirred can never be shaken. It creates a bond. Thames Bond Guaranty, Limtd, was the firm of record." Nobody ever quoted Douche correctly. They just wanted to say they did.
10What's your mighty, what's the party, go to go to Matty Lottie but you gatti gatti patty patty patty patty patty