FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11"Yeah, you probably haven't heard of me. I'm one of those little known superheroes." Insecurity Woman anxiously glanced at the audience and then stared at the floor.
10caramel. So I scrapped that idea or rather, ate the flan. Then I tried to teleport a flan to India. Only so many hungry mouths were there that the particles were eaten before it re
11scream "DANGER ZONE! SHE TOUCHED MY DANGER ZONE!" Just cause these women know my name doesn't give them free reign over my body, even though I honestly enjoy the attention. Moe
13I didn't enjoy sharing my bunk with you last night. Being my cell mate doesn't automatically entitle you to a foot massage, you're going to have to work for that privilege. xoxo.
10is a song by Cat Stevens that will never see the light of day!" Sharon thought. Then she shamed herself for being so evil. Steve tried to fight with her and she opened her palm and