FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10issing the $600 dollars I had placed in it. Without my money, I had no way of returning home. Not that money would have helped, considering I appeared to be in an entirely differen
11"But Mr. Butterworth," said Madge, "how will we be able to get in touch with you in case Hollywood calls if you're playing dead?"
15stupid gets. Now answer me, do you like rhinos?" Jenny implored again. I nodded uncertainly. "Good." and she unzipped herself and stepped out as a rhino. "This is who I am!"
11. The baby was entirely sentient, and did not appreciate the humor. In fact, it never forgave it's namegiver, and plotted revenge. As an adult "Peter" named her children "
11To the weather vane to act as a conduit burnt offering. Blood given, blood owed: that was the covenant. The iron vane burned Turgo's face where it touched him. His eyes were wild.