FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10dinglehopper. Oh great, I shouldn't have written the word "schecklemabobwowa" because now you just read it and the evil curse is upon you! Quick, the antidote spell! You must
11However, do not speak of Wife #7. She has done terrible awful things. The most awful of which being: Seven ate Nine.
13amusing, witty, even musical sometimes. Lucielucie was the one everyone was following. Abusive? Rude? May it never be!! Hold it, who is that entering? It's
12Taco Bell inspired dump. Huge. I had to get the plunger after it and BOOM gone. They did eventually find it. One of those wily sea turtles had made off with it. Case closed.
10Deutsche Marks. What the entrants failed to realize is that the Mark is a defunct currency and not even accepted as an exchangeable currency. They all got gypped. The end.