FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Where to hide the explosives was the big question. Ronna and Dick talked all night about how to pull that off. There were cameras everywhere and they were mostly invisible. Bummer!
10made it clear that she did not approve but since he was Jim, then it was ok & she & all of her nun sisters would do everything they could to find Tally Olde so that he could dilly
11l thief! I picked the crimson facet off the oven's basting pan. Was it the stolen Carmen Lúcia? I held it to the light to examined it with my loupe & whistled. Then Aunt Gracy ente
11more willing to just go with the flow of the evening's developments so I let them finish up. By night's end my bumpers were sore, my flippers needed oil and one of my pinballs had
14unicorn through the magical forest. This is really becoming the best bucket list EVER! 14) have a baby dolphins deliver my baby in the beeeeautiful ocean while the mermaids sing