FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11in solitary focused samadhi. Lima Beans are the zen monks of legumes, the keepers of pulse wisdom. A wisdom almost lost in the great Bean-o-clism. It all started with Kidney beans
11I had barely survived a Toxoplasma Gonzii infection, only to have bookworms infect my brain. I danced recklessly over cars during rush hour, lured by paper dust and deckled edges,
13So, to make our famous recipe, we will need the following ingredients: 1 Large egg, 2kg of margarine, 1 loose woman, 4 olives, a whiff of cow dung, a healthy dollop of
34[Sprinting accompanied by rhythmic farting][Jaws theme music][Silence][Gasp of breath][Wilhelm wimper][Violins striking a note discordantly][Record scratch][Voice over] "And now
11curly black hair that could only belong to Burt Reynolds. Being Burt Reynolds chest hair really has me missing Loni Anderson and WKRP in Cincinnati. It used to be that I could