FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13How could she have known that dinner would be pure poultry in motion? Mrs. Butterworth spent so much time on the bottle, the turkey took her totally by surprise. Her funeral
10This is your brain on foldingstory.
12ACN was the first author of this folding story. This first fold had 165 characters with more than 10 words. This story will have 10 folds by the time the story ends.
12you ate 12 ships and their crews in one day!" Giant Old Squid Man's eye's twinkled with glee. "Ah yes. My proudest accomplishment. Well, the day began pretty quiet, but then I saw
10Cold sweat ran down my back. Picturing drunken alfred puking in the just detailed bat mobile was causing a panic attack. Pulling over i tucked him beneath a bush to come back for