FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Rupert played on, his instrument feebly gasping out each note in the endless stream. The crowd had thinned somewhat, perhaps due to the fact that nobody likes accordion music, but
10It was empty. Until a newspaper swept across it. It was lonely, itself with its bad news curling over the wind. Then a dog with ribs showing crossed. Down the street, baby, down
12r. All the foldy people where do their folds come from? All the foldy people where do they all belong? Fr. Mackenzie writing the words to a fold earning only 1 point-so he smokes a
12Her post went viral and suddenly there was an international market for hobgoblin bellies. All the short players lost billions when the price skyrocketed to 666 dollops an ounce.
14OK, THIS is IT. I am tired of messin' around! 2 points here, 3 points's pitiful. This story right here...the one you are reading right gonna earn 100 points or