FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
21I am a prosperous, despicable, two-faced, incompetent, ill-mannered, mindless, callous, miserable, corpulent, blustering, erectile-dysfunctioned, man and I would like your vote!
10like the floor was lava and his ass was about to catch fire. He returned with the first course promptly. According to the syllabus it was Dictatorship for Dummies 101. "Dig in."
10with a little less spring in his step. Kanga. Well Kanga was hopping mad and hopped off into the outback upon hearing the news. She's probably at the bar. Dundee is another story.
10I have recently noticed that some Folders are using Shark Lady, Det. Manatee, and Mrs. Quackenbush as characters in a trifle many (did I just use an oxymoron?) folds..any others?
102 was to blame, with their incessant electric rhythm guitar thing and then the nail polish fumes made her feel floaty, she got the paint all over her wedding dress. But what if she