FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14time went all slow-mo and Dame May Whitty caught me as I fell. "Never mind about shaken or stirred, dear," she advised before humming a tune into my ear. She vanished as I re
10your naming address, social securities number, and just forty American dollars and we will assuredly award you your seventy million dollars prize with large quickness. I await your
11through my nightguard & pulled the sheets up over my SpongeBob jammy top. "I was just ch- ch- checking up on some of my active stories, you know, to..." But I faltered when Manatee
10to dream a dream? Does this dragon track have to have a destination?" JMan ignored the wise Det & reached down to pick up a dragon scale covered in glinting runes. "To Norway!" gru
10finance advisors. If you thought you were screwed last time you had a finance advisor because he was an ex-used car salesman then think about the bananas. They have the worst of