FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"Pooh, what happened to the loveable Bear of very little brain?" I asked. "I got dumped by the punk kid and decided to grow up myself. Say, You got smack? My honeypots all out."
11. Mom was always right. So she withdrew her college savings and had Doggyland™ built, a place were dogs could find their inner pup. There were mailmen maniken, hydrants on every
11"And then the little old lady - that's me - gets off, and seconds later the bus explodes." Ronna waited. Dick burst out laughing. "You're kidding, right?" "It's my first part in a
12Ikea knew. I was surrounded by planks & screws, tears & snot running down my face. Then a glint & embedded in some polystyrene, a huge emerald. I picked it up. It was transmitting
11Bless Me, Father, for I have sinned. I am a confirmed Catholic who strayed from Heaven's straight & Narrow path for a walk thru debauchery's garden: Sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll.