FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10had never had Christmas Horse before, and she certainly wasn't willing to experiment. "Look, George," she began, "You'll have to keep that thing outside, and I better not catch you
12a warlock from the old country, possessed of the notion that, even if he answered incorrectly, his consolation prize would consist of preservation in amber for millions of years.
10Pinch me! Slap me! Tickle my spot!
10was enough to remind me of grandpa. Ah sweet disgusting grandpa. He was the one that taught me that "this" is not "that." But he was gross. He had swollen legs.
10file of legal papers, pointing out that Uncle Bert was prohibited from approaching within five hundred yards of her. Goldilocks had had these drawn up when Uncle Bert last tried