FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13but all those stories covered up the dark secret of Humpty's mafia, a hard-boiled gang of bad eggs that terrorized the denizens of Mother Goose. Noone lost a tear when he shattered
14In the future, everything will be possible; us mere humans will be the rulers of the world! But with great power comes great responsibility. What will we become? Will we
10rty next minutes. The sparkling water flushed out of the WC & soaked his legs. They became smoother & chubbier... younger. Had Spencer found the lost fountain of youth?
11How could Spider woman have never heard of Rooibos? She apparently hadn't been to Whole Foods or Trader Joe's lately. She preferred coffee, black with no sugar. Hobgoblin was
10if it's the last thing I do!" My wife was suddenly silent. Too silent. I looked up from my folding obsession. There she stood, nekkid & with a slingshot in one hand. "Dammit, woman