FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10people need to stay the hell away! The FS frathouse is the partyingest at U and we don't need no stinking, pretentious, educated jerks messing up our reputation." My rant complete,
12stories because I must make one more story about Detective Manatee. I owe it to him for the thing he did for me back in Jakarta. It's the one loyal thing I'll ever do in my life.
10like Yoko Ono. He gnashes his teeth and urinates onto the gallery floor. The unperturbed attendees look on and can be expected to clap politely after the last drop falls. You
10desperately searching for a bar with live music. The warm tones of the ukulele still echoed in my head, but all I could find was a sleazy bar with a death metal band. It would have
11Without thinking it through, he pulled apart the nearest doll, and gave the Play Doh Clone Golem the chest of Skeletor. An evil grin appeared on the creation's face. It said