FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12bashed Tharg's head with a rock, she had no idea she was to be the next sacrifice, due to the ceremonial narcotics used to sedate the victums. Although due to the compound scarcity
11my existence at all. Maybe all of this was real life and my boring drone of a life was just a series of consecutive fantasies. So I took another, and another, and another...
19had a voice like cognac and I could drink it in all night. I guess that's how I would up pregnant in the first place. But now that I'm a girl in trouble Dr. Drinkingstein has left
13like a bat, and splatted against the wall like a gnat. The people upstairs were trying the door. I gathered myself on the stairs for their horror. The stairwell's dim bulb did sput
10My husband caught me out from under the bed once ,almost five years ago, ergo my four year old son. I can't let that happen again