FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Once stirred can never be shaken. It creates a bond. Thames Bond Guaranty, Limtd, was the firm of record." Nobody ever quoted Douche correctly. They just wanted to say they did.
10was enough to remind me of grandpa. Ah sweet disgusting grandpa. He was the one that taught me that "this" is not "that." But he was gross. He had swollen legs.
12t world. I shivered when I realised what had happened. This happened in the movies - the hero would help an unassuming person, and then they would be thrown into another dimension!
11went off with out a hitch until his neck bolts started poking out of his turtle neck sweater. He tried to hide by the punchbowl but Beth spotted him. "Hey Frank! Long time!" "Urgh"
10ing...<yawn>...during....ZZzzzzzzhmufffzzzzzzzz...... I woke to the smell of burning jet fuel & scorched flesh. Whaa? I looked around. I was the lone survivor. This was my fault!