FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12"It matters not," muttered Dr. Kinsey. "Regardless of their orientation, bananas remain nature's ultimate phallic symbol, violating all of its eaters and
12carried me to bed in his powerful flippers, then tucked me in. I found this infuriating yet comforting. "Tonight's story will have to be short. Once upon a time (read Det. Manatee)
10If only I was whiter than this. The world would be complete. Instead I sit here upon my throne of lies and watch the world burn. This is my story. This is my fate. It is not mine.
10"I don't normally give rides to strangers" Zelda rasped, "but I'll make an exception in your case, being pantless n all." "To El Paso and step on it," he shouted, "I need anti-cact