FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10" Sharon looked up from her motorcycle repair. Her sneer evolved into astonishment. Steve was a blank and he knew it, and he was sincere. "Hop on, babe. We'll see how it goes." Fi
11pretended to sweep while the monkey made off with his wig. The Monkey became Judge of the Jungle wearing the powdered wig whenever court was in session. In the case of Hyena vs.
10He grabbed me by the throat, slamming my head into the brick wall. "Never," he yelled, "underestimate the influence the collapse of the Ottoman Empire had on the origins of WW1!"
12"Was it a mecca-dauber or a betting pencil?" The chorus sang back in response.
10"Jorge Titsworth, watching, masturbating, & laughing." It made no sense, but strangely, other foldsters voted for his folds. Truth be told, he was a passive-aggressive folder. He