FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12e to work it's slow grumbly magic in his multichambered gut. As Det. Manatee ruminated, the hunch passed from fore to hindgut becoming a suspicion, and then a hardened stoolpigeon!
10Please copy your fold: The tape worms decided to feast on his lunch while discussing in the intestine board about the deal. A living host they could stay in forever. But
12Sure enough, three weeks later, the prince climbed up my pit braids instead of Rapunzel's locks. A volunteer at Locks of Love later wed Rapunzel, so we both won. I won more though.
10I will eat Cornish hens instead,my cats sitting next to me at the dinner table. They don't need forks and knives. Less cleanup on my part.
11manchus blowing in the breeze. Steve envied Sharon's red-golden fu, the way the light caught it and seemed to dance within it. His own dark black fu was now shot with grey, and