FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14the game. "Balls are so re-tarred. And any fan knows that balls get a mud bath and massage beforehand." I wondered why the ball was all up in my face. Suddenly it hit me.
14I quit. I studied the 'best' stories. Can't discern a pattern. Someone makes a list & loses their plunger? Woopdeedoo. A girl gets a papercut? Big deal. Your about to get sk0njed!
10With growing horror, I realize the corpse with the agonized look was the last dude to have sat on the pin. I need poison control, now! Oops, I speed dialed the Sean Hannity show...
10The fact I lived to tell you about it in this folding story is a miracle. It tasted dreadful and I quickly excused myself to throw up. My buddy Gus checked on me and called Dr. X.
11And clown-shoes were, by their very nature, too big for anyone to fill, especially him. There had to be some exploding rubber key that could unlock his comic genius, some ritual